A New Dawn Decluttering (Charlotte area)

A New Dawn Decluttering is here to help you get and keep your home under control!

My name is Dawn Simone and I have been in your shoes. I have lived in a home I was not able to keep under control. Life comes at us fast and doesn’t slow down to let us catch up. If you are overwhelmed by clutter throughout your entire house and don’t know where to start or just have certain areas of your home that regularly get out of control, I am here and would love to help you! You will learn strategies and techniques that will help keep your home from being the cause of your stress and turn it into the first place you go to find tranquility.
My background is in management, event planning, teaching, coaching and leadership. I am the mother of four active boys and Cinder, our cat. I consider myself a lifelong learner and would like to share my wisdom regarding clutter and organizing.

Call or email me today and let’s start your journey to achieving and maintaining your own clutter-free home. Charlotte, NC area.

My phone number is 704-550-8900

My email is anewdawndecluttering@gmail.com

My Facebook page for A New Dawn Decluttering