Divia Eden from Gumptionology Decluttering (Austin)

I’m a SAHM of five kids, which means that I’ve had a baby, a toddler, or both in my house for over a decade now. I was never naturally organized, and I found that the stuff management got a lot harder once I had little kids who: had a ton of stuff, often didn’t want to get rid of it, and would dump it out shortly after I cleaned up!

If you want to get a sense of what I’m like, I was also on Podcast #269: The Problem with Miscellaneous.

We might be a a good fit if you want someone who:
-is very nonjudgmental and will keep you on track without being pushy
-is analytical enough to answer all of your questions and “what if”s while you are taking things where they go
-has thought an absurd amount about managing kid toys
-has experience with kids who didn’t want to get rid of anything who now look forward to going through their stuff
-genuinely enjoys working with people on their houses

My current rate (subject to change in the future) is $35/hr, Austin, TX area

(917) 658-2518

Website: GumptionologyDecluttering.com

Email: gumptionologydecluttering@gmail.com